About Us
The gallery Tres Hombres Art was founded in the late ’80s by Per Gessle and Lars Nordin, and today the gallery belongs to one of the country’s most well-known actors in photographic art.
We are located at Hotel Tylösand and for this reason, you can enjoy the artwork, not only inside the exhibition hall “Hall Of Fame”, but in every single hallway and stairway.
Tres Hombres Art represents many of the world’s most renowned photographers.
Our archives contain historic and iconic images from the frontline of fashion, rock, film, politics and royalty by photographers who were pioneers in their field. It includes a large collection of David Bowie and Bruce Springsteen, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepburn, Frank Sinatra, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and more.
It covers the universe of Vogue fashion photography from the late 1930s to modern day as well as the world of politics from Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy to Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama.
We have about 450 pieces up on the walls every day from world-famous photographers such as Albert Watson, Terry O’Neill, Anton Corbijn, Mary McCartney and others.

The gallery
Our gallery office is situated on the ground floor, opposite to the reception.
Rosie Gottlander
Tel.: +46 (0) 733 60 06 69
Email: info@treshombresart.com